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Block in user dashboard not displaying

Kathy Dick
Block in user dashboard not displaying
di Kathy Dick - Wednesday, 17 August 2011, 11:46

I deleted the quick links block from the dashboard because all of the links in it are also available in the top navigation and I didn't want to add any others.

Having decided that I might want to display that block anyway, I added it back in to the dashboard. I can now see it as an administrator, but learners do not see that block. I have the permissions set so that learners and authenticated users can view their dashboards and there is no specific setting in the configuration of that block that determines which user type can view it.

I tried setting the 'force users to use MyMoodle' and adding it as a sticky block there but that didn't work either. I'm not quite sure how to have it display to learners again on the My Learning -> Dashboard page.


Kathy Dick
Re: Block in user dashboard not displaying
di Kathy Dick - Wednesday, 17 August 2011, 12:20
Sorry - found my own answer.
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Kathy Dick
Re: Block in user dashboard not displaying
di Kathy Dick - Wednesday, 17 August 2011, 15:42

At first I thought just adding it back to the dashboard as an administrator would make it visible to everyone - but of course the permissions allow that user type to manage their own dashboards, so it wasn't a global change.

Then I tried by manage blocks, but what I needed was to manage dashboards. So it's Plugins->Dashboards->Manage Dashboards (which seems so obvious once I actually look at it!)