Best practice forum (Archived)
This forum discussion has been removed
Hi Niek,
There is also the Program Management tool which should generate an email when you have been enrolled on a program and its constituent courses) Something like:
'Welcome to Andy_test!
If you have not done so already, you should edit your profile page so that we
can learn more about you:'
As for csv uploads, it should generate a confirmation email if no passwords are added to the csv file. like this
'Hi Andy Kirky,
A new account has been created for you at 'Totara Demo'
and you have been issued with a new temporary password.
Your current login information is now:
username: kirky
password: ape1nice
(you will have to change your password
when you login for the first time)
To start using 'Totara Demo', login at
In most mail programs, this should appear as a blue link
which you can just click on. If that doesn't work,
then cut and paste the address into the address
line at the top of your web browser window.
Cheers from the 'Totara Demo' administrator,
Admin User'
See Moodle docs
Once enrolled on a course (which you could also do at csv stage) they should see that course when they log in. Some tutors send a welcome message out in the form of a forum post, with users autosubscribed a a way of encouraging them to access.
I didn't know new users get email notified if the .csv doesn't contain a password. Good to know.
If the user accounts do contain predefined passwords, another approach to notify users might be a mail merge using the .csv file as the data source. Merge the username and password fields into the document or email.
Hi Chad
I think that even if a password is included the users won't get notified (according to the documentation)
I would think about emailing passwords on a large scale and avoid if possible (although I am guilty of this as its often easier)
Hi folks,
If the csv does not include passwords, then passwords will be generated and users should get emailed as per the example in my earlier post. Remember to select 'create passwords if needed'.
If the csv does include passwords they won't get emailed.
At the risk of confusing people (me included ) here is a link to a discussion on Moodle on the subject. Seems like some people have had problems on more recent versions of Moodle (2+). Best to test this out.
Would be interested to know if you have problems. I have used this successfully on our test site.
Hi Niek,
Was that welcome message triggered as a result of a CSV upload or self registration? I don't know why one course would receive an email yet others not using the same enrolment method? They may take time to come through to your inbox.
I don't think the amount or type of content such as SCORM in a course will have any effect on whether a welcome email is triggered either.
For self-enrolments go to Site Administration > Courses > Enrolments under Common settings there is a checkbox
"If enabled, users receive a welcome message via email when they self-enrol in a course."
You could also look at authentication methods in Totara.
Site administration > Users > Authentication > Manage Authentication
Hi Niek
An alternative to CSV upload is for learners to self enrol in a course. The learner can be autheticated with a number of methods such as a key or payments.
This eases the load on the course admin and learners would get an email confirming their account.
It is also possible to combine this with an enrolment plugin that only allows courses to be enrolled in that have been approved in a learning plan.
Knowing more about the options avaliable allows you to select the one that suits you best.