Best practice forum (Archived)

A server error that affects your login session was detected. Please login again or restart your browser.

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A server error that affects your login session was detected. Please login again or restart your browser.
بواسطة Tuesday, 17 January 2012, 9:28 PM - ? ?


I'm getting this message on a local install of our development server when trying to access a quiz acitivity in a course that has been set up a while ago.

A server error that affects your login session was detected. Please login again or restart your browser.

I have restarted the browser and cleared its cache, but still can't access the quiz activity and get the error instead.

After reloging in to the site, it takes me to the start page of the quiz, and I can attempt the quiz.

Each time I click on the activity link (as a student role) or try to turn eidting on (as a editor role) I get logged off and the given the same error message.

What is causing this?

How can I resolves this?


لقد تمت إزالة مشاركة المنتدى هذه
Wednesday, 18 January 2012, 2:41 PM
تمت إزالة محتوى هذه المشاركة في المنتدى ولم يعد من الممكن الوصول إليها
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Re: A server error that affects your login session was detected. Please login again or restart your browser.
بواسطة Wednesday, 18 January 2012, 4:25 PM - ? ?


Yes, I have 2 installs of Totara LMS on the same development server. Each install has a seperate moodledata folder.

  • Totara: v1.1.8 & Totara: v1.1.7
  • PHP: 5.3
  • Apache: 2.2
  • Database: postgresql v8.4

I think it was the cookies causing the issue. I have given each install a different cookie prefix in the Moodle server settings, which seems to have fixed this issue.

