Best practice forum (Archived)
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Hi Sonia
Individual attendees can cancel a booking but the session itself isn't able to be cancelled.
If you want your cancelled session to be visible you can add the text cancelled to one of the fields. You can change the date of an existing session to an earlier date so booking can't be made and when it is rescheduled either copy the session or change the session date to a future date so bookings can take place.
The session data is available for export at any stage so you can have a record of it.
See below for an example of what I was meaning.
Hi Sonia
Sorry you will have to add the venue , cost, location, room fields as they were not in the default installation.
This has been requested to be fixed, I think it has been done but can't find this mentioned in the latest release notes.
Cost should be there already I think?
Location, venue and room are not created as custom session fields on a fresh install at the moment - there's a fix for this in review and it should be included in next week's 1.1 series release.
However it's important to note that this will only fix the issue on fresh installs: we decided against adding these fields to existing installations as some customers have deliberately removed these three fields and putting them back in again would be an annoyance. But this decision can be changed if the weight of opinion is to make sure they always exist...
See this thread for some related info on adding the three custom session fields:
Hi Sonia,
Each session has two fields: normal cost and discount cost. Note these fields are on each session, not on the main face to face instance. The [cost] placeholder in the emails is supposed to be replaced by one of these if they exist, depending on whether the user entered a discount code when they signed up. At least that's what the code appears to be doing...
If this isn't working properly for you then I'll file a bug and look into it in more detail.