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Offline quiz

Craig Eves
Re: Offline quiz
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 11 March 2012, 14:01 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Nurhasiyam

That's good - this is similar to what I was suggesting - using the assignment for students uploading.

It is the uploading of files by the trainer in a separate folder that  was difficult and I suggested having group forums for each student. It is possible for the trainer to upload files for an Assignment for feedback for each  learner but this happens after submission of the assignment. You are wanting this to happen before the assignment is submitted.

A way around this would be for the students to submit an assignment with maybe their name in it  to show that they are ready to take the assignment. When the trainer receives this they could then attach the individualised assignment file for the student. Students could then submit the answers based on this assignment.

You would need to enable multiple submissions on the assignment and it would be a good idea to select email teacher on the assignment setup too.
