Best practice forum (Archived)

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Thursday 8 March 2012, 17:53
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Simon Coggins
Re: Summary of face to face training
par Simon Coggins, Thursday 8 March 2012, 18:17
Groupe Totara

Hi Sonia,

This isn't currently possible using the face-to-face report source as it is designed to show one record for each user in the session.

The way to do this would be to get a developer to write a new report source designed to output 1 record for each session. It wouldn't be that hard to write, but it's not something that's currently part of Totara).


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Friday 9 March 2012, 04:50
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Friday 9 March 2012, 09:17
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Simon Coggins
Re: Summary of face to face training
par Simon Coggins, Sunday 11 March 2012, 12:40
Groupe Totara

Hi Sue,

We do have a roadmap with major and minor feature requests, and under normal circumstances we might have been able to find the time to add this as part of our ongoing improvements. However at the moment the whole team is focused on delivering a new Totara release that is compatible with Moodle 2, which is a big task. So for now we're limiting our other work to bug fixes only.

Once the release is out we'll get back to the roadmap, but unfortunately, if you need it quickly you'll need to get it developed independently.
