Best practice forum (Archived)

Cant get past login screen

? ?
Cant get past login screen
par ? ?, Thursday 15 March 2012, 16:04

We have a few users who use the correct login data and are sent right back to the login page. When I check on the user section of the admin it shows them as logging in when they say they do. I had this happen on IE8 and IE9 any suggestions or fixes?


Craig Eves
Re: Cant get past login screen
par Craig Eves (Totara Support), Thursday 15 March 2012, 19:10
Groupe Totara

Hi Walter

There does seem to be a problem with Moodle and Internet Explorer with some suggestions below about turning off regeneration of Session ID and better alternatives.

This suggests IE9 is OK - so maybe try updating IE9 or switching browsers if this is practical.

This is a general reply regarding the issue with IE7 and IE8 users being returned to the blank login screen repeatedly. It means that IE7 and IE8 users cannot login after repeated attempts.

It is a difficult issue because so many users cannot simply upgrade to IE9 or switch to Firefox or Chrome browsers.

Workaround is not recommended

The workaround suggested here is to change an admin configuration setting located here:

Security -> HTTP Security -> Regenerate Session ID: Disable

It bothered me that the workaround being suggested here defeats a default security protection. So, here's the results of my research:

Summary - My Recommendation (for the moment, for one client using Moodle)

I will be recommending that this setting remain enabled and that a statement to IE7 and IE8 users be included in the customizable message to users on the login screen. If they cannot upgrade to IE9 or use Firefox, then they need to quit and restart the browser try their login again. Report the problem to the support contact if it occurs again. Work with the individuals who need to upgrade or switch. If a threshold is reached that endangers the project goals, then disable the setting. After disabling this: analyze your site traffic in order to see a shift to IE9 and re-enable.

Security Reasoning

Why does Moodle need to Regnerate Session ID? It is important to have this setting enabled to prevent a session fixation attack.

Background - Moodle Development Information

Other threads that discuss this issue. In reverse chronological order.

? ?
Re: Cant get past login screen
par ? ?, Friday 16 March 2012, 10:55
Installed Chrome on the machine and (as expected) all is well once again!!!!!!!!