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Austen Sinclair
Re: What tiggers when a reminder is sent?
על ידי Austen Sinclair בתאריך 19/04/2012, 14:41
קבוצה Partnersקבוצה TXP Site Administratorקבוצה V18 Program Complete

Hi Sonia

An action needs to occur to trigger the Reminder emails.  For this we normally use Course Completion and less often the marked attendance in a F2F session (when the course assessment is weeks or months after the training in person).

To get around sessions where attendance isn't taken we have a local customisation, which we're happy to share, in the F2F instance that "Automatically mark fully attended" immediately after the session. This then triggers the course evaluation.

Our whole Level 1 process was covered in our iMoot 2011 presentation attached.

Hope this helps
