Best practice forum (Archived)

Adding and Removing staff from certifications

Rob Bloor
Re: Adding and Removing staff from certifications
par Rob Bloor, Friday 23 May 2014, 02:56

Hi George

This is the CVS file that I uploaded using upload Completion Records (no errors)

username,certificationshortname, certificationidnumber, completiondate
11258199,Food Hygiene - Update (1 yearly),CT048,20/05/2013

As mentioned it added me to the certification CT048 and when I looked at the Program Assignments it had me (I am 11258199) added as an individual. This makes sense.

I then looked at my record and it stated that I was added to the certification as being part of an audience (this was an audience attached to this certification but I was definitely not in that audience).

I then deleted me as an individual and it is still stating that I am attached as being part of this random audience. I cannot get rid of the certification attached to me.

Hope this helps
