Best practice forum (Archived)

Students Ability to "Unenrol" themselves from a course

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Re: Students Ability to "Unenrol" themselves from a course
על ידי ? ? בתאריך 26/04/2012, 01:48

Hi Mike,

This should explain, from out help files

I've also pasted details below. (The permissions list is long so I would usually do a search for the relevant word)


Learner unenrolment

By default, learners are unable to unenrol themselves from courses.

To enable learners to unenrol themselves from any course on the site that they are enrolled on:

  1. Access Administration > Users > Permissions > Define roles
  2. Click the edit icon opposite the learner role
  3. Change the moodle/role:unassignself capability from not set to allow
  4. Click the 'Save changes' button at the bottom of the page.

To enable learners to unenrol themselves from a particular course:

  1. Follow the Assign roles link in the course administration block
  2. Click the 'Override roles' tab
  3. Select the learner role
  4. Set the capability moodle/role:unassignself to allow
  5. Click the 'Save changes' button at the bottom of the page.

Note: By default, only administrators are able to override permissions. Instructions on enabling trainers to override permissions can be found in Override permissions.

The role change will take effect immediately. Learners will have an 'Unenrol me from the course' link in the course administration block and an 'Unenrol me from the course' button on their profile page.

(Edited by Craig Eves (Community Support) - original submission Thursday, 26 April 2012, 03:48 AM)