Best practice forum (Archived)


2012年05月10日 Thursday 18:37
Craig Eves
Re: Face to face calendar invites
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2012年05月10日 Thursday 19:37
小组 Totara

Hi Sonia

There is an option when a user signs up to a face to face session to receive the invites through icalendar appointment and/or Email invitation.

This attachment sounds like it might be an icalendar appointment - if the icalendar format isn't being used to link this booking into a calendar then this shouldn't be chosen. Can you check that selecting email invitation only prevents this file being sent and an invite being sent by email.


2012年05月10日 Thursday 21:37
Craig Eves
Re: Face to face calendar invites
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2012年05月13日 Sunday 15:11
小组 Totara

Hi Sonia

Thanks for investigating this - seems strange that  they have identical setup - I think there must be something different somewhere.

Are all the users on the same email client - what version of Outlook exchange is being used? Do some users have signatures with graphic files in them? or anything elese you can think of.


Re: Face to face calendar invites
?? 发表于 2012年05月13日 Sunday 17:15

Hi Sonia,

Do you mean that when set up to recive an iCal attachment, it comes through fine for some users but not for others?

Is the iCal attachment for those users missing completely or is there still an attachment there, it just doesn't work properly? If the attachment is there but does not work, if you could post an example of those iCal files then I can check them to see if they are malformed in some way so that Outlook cannot read them, that might help us track down the problem.

2012年05月13日 Sunday 19:44
Re: Face to face calendar invites
?? 发表于 2012年05月13日 Sunday 20:21

Hi Sonia,

The problem appears to be newlines. If I take the ics attachment from the message you posted it is all on one line - if I manually go through and add newlines where they are supposed to be to get a properly-formatted iCal attachment then the attachment works....I think. Give it a test, I've attached it with the newlines added to this post.

So if that works for you, then something somewhere, for particular users, is stripping newlines out of the iCal attachment. So now we just have to figure out whether that is happening somewhere inside Totara or somewhere inside your Exchange server...

2012年05月13日 Sunday 20:50
Re: Face to face calendar invites
CogginsSimon 发表于 2012年07月25日 Wednesday 18:11
小组 Totara

Hi Sonia,

We've improved the ical escaping code in 1.1.18 (out 18th July 2012). Hopefully that should have fixed your issue but we've been unable to reproduce the problem at our end so we can't be sure.

Please let us know if upgrading doesn't fix your issues and we'll try again.
