Best practice forum (Archived)

Delete or modify saved searches for Custom Reports?

? ?
Delete or modify saved searches for Custom Reports?
von ? ? – Wednesday, 13 June 2012, 4:34 PM


Is there a way to delete or modify user's saved (filtered) searches for custom reports under the My Reports tab?

I can't seem to find a screen to view a user's current saved searched, only save new ones.



Craig Eves
Re: Delete or modify saved searches for Custom Reports?
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Thursday, 14 June 2012, 3:40 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Ira

The saved searches only seem to appear after you save a new search as below. They are listed on the drop down box for the report but not accessible. It would be a good idea to have them more easily accessible via the my reports menu.


saved searches
? ?
Re: Delete or modify saved searches for Custom Reports?
von ? ? – Thursday, 14 June 2012, 10:48 PM


I agree. What's the best way to requested this feature to be added?


Simon Coggins
Re: Delete or modify saved searches for Custom Reports?
von Simon Coggins – Friday, 15 June 2012, 12:46 AM
Gruppe Totara

I've filed a bug, we'll get to this when we can.



? ?
Re: Delete or modify saved searches for Custom Reports?
von ? ? – Friday, 15 June 2012, 12:51 AM

Also it would be good to show if the saved searches were public or not - maybe under the options column?

Adding to that being able to edit an already saved search. At least its label and whether it is public or not.


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Simon Coggins
Re: Delete or modify saved searches for Custom Reports?
von Simon Coggins – Tuesday, 22 October 2013, 3:34 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Amir,

Most of the development team is working on QA for the 2.5 release at the moment so unfortunately we're not able to work on this at this time.
