Best practice forum (Archived)

Issue taking a quiz as a site administrator

Justin Woodruff
Issue taking a quiz as a site administrator
by Justin Woodruff - Thursday, 24 October 2013, 12:52 PM


I am having an issue taking a required compliance program as a regular employee. Every time I try and take the quiz it, it shows I did it, and that I passed. BUT it won't reflect as completed even after the cron runs. It just shows the Attempt was a preview . Im assuming this is due to my site administrator access, but I should still be able to participate in programs & courses right? Has anyone else expierenced this? And is there a setting I can change to make this not a preview and count as an attempt? Thank you in advance for any insight that can be offered.

Have a Super Day!


Re: Issue taking a quiz as a site administrator
by George Angus - Thursday, 24 October 2013, 2:34 PM
Group Totara

Hi Chris,

I think as an admin it doesnt make sense to take courses - you can always mark yourself as complete! I think the special priviliges associated with the role could lead to problems. My understanding is as an Admin you are effectively treated as a guest when taking a course. Perhaps it would be better just to create yourself another account if you want to participate as a learner etc.

hope this is helpful,

