Best practice forum (Archived)

Uploading CSV file for users

Re: Uploading CSV file for users
by Alastair Munro - Wednesday, 26 September 2012, 12:46 AM
Group Totara

Hi Matt,

The code Andy mentioned is located in the contrib git repository where we share contributed code (this code is unsupported by Totara Learning Solutions)

it can be obtained using the following command and checking out t1-feature-totara-sync
git clone [directory]

If you are not familiar with GIT I would suggest finding some tutorials to read through. Adding totara sync into you code base may also be very difficuilt and should be done by someone with a reasonable level of PHP skill.

As mentioned before Totara Sync for Totara 1.1 is unsupported by Totara Learning Solutions so we will not be able to help you get it up and running. Although there are some posts in the forums regarding Totara Sync and you may be able to get some help from the community.
