Best practice forum (Archived)

Maximum Characters

Maximum Characters
?? 发表于 2012年10月8日 Monday 03:39

Hi All,

It appears there is a maximum character limit on the LMS password. 

Is there any way we can amend this to unlimited?  

Many Thanks


Curry (Core Developer)David
Re: Maximum Characters
Curry (Core Developer)David 发表于 2012年10月8日 Monday 13:36
小组 Totara

Hi Michelle,

There are a bunch of password settings located at siteroot/admin/settings.php?section=sitepolicies however these are minimum  size, consecutive characters etc.

What version of totara are you on? If you are on 2.2+ then you could try editing line #47 of login/index_form.html and change the 15 to 30 or so. this forum suggests the upper limit of passwords would stretch up to 32. Would you ever need to go higher than that?

Let me know if this helps (or if you are on 1.1).


Re: Maximum Characters
NevettChris 发表于 2012年10月9日 Tuesday 01:14
That 32 limit relates to the database column which stores the password hash, which is always that length. There should be no actual limit to the unhashed password length beyond what is arbitrarily specified on the form input fields.
Re: Maximum Characters
?? 发表于 2012年10月14日 Sunday 23:43

Hi Chris & David

We are just getting ready to upgrade to 2.2+ so as soon as we have been upgarded I will have a look at this.

Many thanks for your help.
