Hi, I want to update the version that I have installed of totara 1.1.17 to new version 2.2.6, but when I try, it shows me this error:
Debug info: Plugin is not compatible with Moodle 2.x or later.
Stack trace:
- line 466 of \lib\upgradelib.php: plugin_defective_exception thrown
- line 271 of \lib\upgradelib.php: call to upgrade_plugins_modules()
- line 1458 of \lib\upgradelib.php: call to upgrade_plugins()
- line 338 of \admin\index.php: call to upgrade_noncore()
Then I see the following errors:
PHP Notice: Capability "report/completion:view" was not found!
PHP Notice: Capability "report/log:view" was not found!
PHP Notice: Capability "report/outline:view" was not found!
My question is, is it possible to upgrade from version 1 to 2 maintaining the loaded structure ?