Best practice forum (Archived)

Icon E-learning isn't displaying properly

? ?
Icon E-learning isn't displaying properly
by ? ? - Monday, 29 October 2012, 1:11 AM

Hi All,

Please support me to solve the issue related to icon pix as displayed on the attached image (my totara version is 2.2.7)

mylearning ->Record of Learning -> Active Courses for e-learning showing no icon

Let me know if there is solution for this issue.




Zaki - UAE


Craig Eves
Re: Icon E-learning isn't displaying properly
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 29 October 2012, 4:27 PM
Group Totara

Hi Zaki

It looks like you are missing an image in the theme - can you right click on the image and select copy image location. This should show what image file is expected here and the image can be added.

If you are using a standard Totara theme this file should be in the right location.



? ?
Re: Icon E-learning isn't displaying properly
by ? ? - Monday, 29 October 2012, 9:12 PM

Hi Craig,

I followed your instruction but no luck, i tried to right click and see the code inside, the image refers to:

<img title="E-Learning" alt="E-Learning" class="smallicon" src="http://-/-lms/theme/image.php?theme=standardtotara&amp;image=%2Fmsgicons%2Felearning-regular&amp;rev=321&amp;component=totara_core" />

  i tried to tracking the code for the above image and found out in mod/facetoface/lib.php there is no function for e-learning...

please let me know if you have any solution for this issue.


Zaki, UAE 

? ?
Re: Icon E-learning isn't displaying properly
by ? ? - Monday, 29 October 2012, 9:25 PM

Hi Zaki,

Ah yes, I thought it might be the elearning-* icons.

Some of those icons were missing from the 2.2 release. There is a patch ready to resolve this which will be in the next snapshot release 2.2.9 which should be out on Wed or Thu of this week.

Hope that helps

? ?
Re: Icon E-learning isn't displaying properly
by ? ? - Tuesday, 30 October 2012, 2:40 AM

Hi Ciaran,


Thanks for your information about release 2.2.9. I solved my issue, i added icon image named as elearning-regular.png and the others icon related to elearning icons as attached.



Zaki, UAE