What do we have to consider with a possible Totara customer who has Moodle 2.2 and who needs we setup to them Totara ?
Considering Integration with their HR System:
Actual LMS = Moodle 2.2
Number of users= 2654
Actual DataBase in Moodle= MySQL Essential 5.1.5
PHP = 5.2.0
They wouldl like us to set up the new poroject considering:
1. Migrate LMS to Totara 2.2
2. Keeping all data and registers they have actually.
3. Integrate Totara with a Data Base Oracle version 10.2.4
4. Integrate totara wih their HR System = Oracle Human Resource
I appreciate if you can tell me, who can we contact to discuss these elements and let us know what anything else we could probably need from the client.