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Migrate Moodle to Totara and Integrate it with an Oracle Data Base HR System

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Migrate Moodle to Totara and Integrate it with an Oracle Data Base HR System
بواسطة Tuesday, 23 October 2012, 10:09 AM - ? ?


What do we have to consider with a possible Totara customer who has Moodle 2.2 and who needs we setup to them Totara ?

Considering Integration with their HR System:

Actual LMS = Moodle 2.2

Number of users= 2654

Actual DataBase in Moodle= MySQL Essential 5.1.5

PHP = 5.2.0

They wouldl like us to set up the new poroject considering:

1. Migrate LMS to Totara 2.2

2. Keeping all data and registers they have actually.

3. Integrate Totara with a Data Base Oracle version 10.2.4

4. Integrate totara wih their HR System = Oracle Human Resource

I appreciate if you can tell me, who can we contact to discuss these elements and let us know what anything else we could probably need from the client.






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Re: Migrate Moodle to Totara and Integrate it with an Oracle Data Base HR System
بواسطة Tuesday, 23 October 2012, 2:23 PM - ? ?

Hi Pablo,

Totara 2.2 is based on Moodle 2.2, and according to the installation guide the minimum recommended version of PHP is 5.3.2

Apart from that, then removing the existing Moodle code (apart from config.php) and extracting the Totara code to the same directory should allow you to upgrade to Totara 2.2 on the existing mySQL database without any loss of data.

Totara 2.2 has a tool totara_sync which allows the integration of user, organisation and position data extracted from external systems like Oracle HR via CSV files.

I'm unsure what you mean by "Integrate Totara with a Data Base Oracle version 10.2.4" however.

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Re: Migrate Moodle to Totara and Integrate it with an Oracle Data Base HR System
بواسطة Wednesday, 24 October 2012, 11:25 AM - ? ?

Thanks Irvine.

What I wanted to mean is if it is possible for the LMS, in this case Totara LMS,  be fed or could be connected automatically and directly to the  Oracle DB HR system, which is Oracle 10.2.4 version, but without using or employing csv files.

And if it is only possible to do this, using csv files, how can we know what we need to do that process.

Also I would like to know, what I need to consider the client provide us, so we can perform a test or build a testing environment, trying to do an automatized connection to their HR system.


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Re: Migrate Moodle to Totara and Integrate it with an Oracle Data Base HR System
بواسطة Friday, 9 November 2012, 10:47 AM - ? ?


1. About upgrading Moodle 2.2 to Totara 2.2 We have done that.

2. About  totara_sync which allows the integration of user, organisation and position data extracted from external systems like Oracle HR via CSV files.

I have to do an urgent IT dimension for a good prospect:

Client A:

  1. Essenary 1
  • I have no access to their data base(Sql server).By internal security politics they have restricted this option.
  • They wanted to place in my server via FTP the CSV file with the actualized Users Data Base every day.
  • They wanted us to run automatized or automtized synch of that CSV file placed in my server. So it could run as an automatized Synchronization of the data base, programed as a daily automatized task.


    • Can we do with totara_sync tool   automtized synch of that CSV file placed in my server. So it could run as an automatized daily task and Synchronization of the data base.
    • If totara_sync tool   let me do the automatized task, how can I do that, where to find information, or with whom of our support or partners I cuold discuss this in ordert work this need.
    • If totara_sync tool  won't let me do the autmatized process my client need, who can help us to find a solution.

O this it depends we can close Totara Subscription wiht them.

Please do not send us info about Moodle LDAP, we have experience on that kind of integrations.

We need in this case info about this urgent. I need to send the proposal to my client on Monday.



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