Best practice forum (Archived)


2013年01月8日 Tuesday 13:26
Re: using sync where users dont have email address
?? 发表于 2013年01月8日 Tuesday 14:23

Hi Lane,

Totara requires a unique email field for every user, no matter which method you use to add users.

The only workaround I can think of would be to generate a (unique) dummy email address for each user when you are originally creating the CSV file for sync. However bear in mind that this will generate a lot of unsendable bouncing email messages for the users with dummy email addresses, unless you also

a) set the emailstop field in the user table to 1 for those users OR

b) set $CFG->noemailever = true; in config.php which will stop all emails being sent by anywhere in the system to all users

Re: using sync where users dont have email address
?? 发表于 2013年01月10日 Thursday 07:30

Hi Ciaran,

A comment about Totara requiring a unique email field for each user: we've been under this assumption too. While troubleshooting a customer's Sync problems for some other issues today, we were able to create several users using an identical email address. If this is not intended behavior, there's a bug somewhere. 

This was on our internal "sandbox" that uses Totara version 2.2.10 (Build: 20121122.00).

Best regards,


Re: using sync where users dont have email address
AngusGeorge 发表于 2013年01月10日 Thursday 14:31
小组 Totara

Hi Marjaana,

This is a bug. Ive filed a bug report, thanks for bringing it to our attention!



Re: using sync where users dont have email address
HurleySusan 发表于 2013年08月16日 Friday 07:48
小组 Partners

From my testing, you are correct, you can upload users with duplicate email addresses, but when you do so, those users will not show in the Browse All Users list.



Re: using sync where users dont have email address
CogginsSimon 发表于 2013年08月18日 Sunday 19:32
小组 Totara

We have a fix for allowing duplicate email addresses coming in the next release. However as some organisations seem to make use of duplicate emails (for dummy email accounts when their users have none) we will include a configuration option so you can allow duplicate emails if you need to (default will be to prevent duplicates).


Re: using sync where users dont have email address
?? 发表于 2013年08月15日 Thursday 07:32

Would it be possible to allow Totara sync to import the emailstop field, so that users can be imported with dummy email addresses, as well as to just prevent email sending for users imported purely for historical records?

Re: using sync where users dont have email address
AngusGeorge 发表于 2013年08月15日 Thursday 17:37
小组 Totara

Hi Jamie,

Good idea - Ive put in an enhancement bug.

