Best practice forum (Archived)

Display a dynamic list of courses/programs on external site

Bodo Hoenen
Display a dynamic list of courses/programs on external site
di Bodo Hoenen - Tuesday, 18 December 2012, 16:05

I have a Client who wants to display a dynamic list of available courses/programs on an external site.

Their suggested approch would be to iframe the custom and/or embeded reports, without the other page and theme content that is usually displayed with a report.


  • Is it possible to iframe just a report (wihtout other page content) and if so how. 
  • If not what other solution would you suggest?



Re: Display a dynamic list of courses/programs on external site
di George Angus - Tuesday, 18 December 2012, 18:01
Gruppo Totara

Hi Bodo,

This might be a useful starting point, the functionality exists: core_course_get_courses

A solution would require some coding. Im not clear on iframe, the user would need to be logged in to see a dynamic list of courses.

hope this helps,
