Best practice forum (Archived)

Reminders based on Course and Activity Completion

Reminders based on Course and Activity Completion
?? 发表于 2013年01月29日 Tuesday 08:41

Hi all

Am delivering a what’s different between Moodle 2.2 and Totara 2.2 session which is based on the comparison doc here  In the Course Management section it mentions Reminders based on Course and Activity Completion

 Any thoughts/suggestions on what/where these can be found? 



Craig Eves
Re: Reminders based on Course and Activity Completion
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2013年01月29日 Tuesday 13:14
小组 Totara

Hi James

The reminders are visible under the Course administration > Settings menu.

Reminders only seem to be visible when a feedback activity is included in a course.

Once you have a feedback activity you should see the reminder options for Invitation , Reminder and Escalation messages and fieldnames that can be included in the message . There are also  options for the activity to track.

There are also messages that can be set up for programs (groups of courses) in a similar way.


Re: Reminders based on Course and Activity Completion
?? 发表于 2013年01月30日 Wednesday 01:51

Hi Craig

Many thanks, i'll take a look.

