Best practice forum (Archived)

Learning plan step by step

? ?
Learning plan step by step
di ? ? - Wednesday, 13 February 2013, 07:53


is there somewhere step by step guide from A to Z for setting the learning plan? I somehow am missing something somewhere so that I can not pull it through.

The Totara's help is for now not helping me.

Re: Learning plan step by step
di George Angus - Wednesday, 13 February 2013, 13:10
Gruppo Totara

Hi Tom,

First off I take it you have created a learning plan and its set as the default template.

Then you create your postional and/or organisational hierarchies.

Then you associate competencies with the relevant hiearchies, and courses with the competencies.

Learners should be assigned position and/or organisation & manager under Positions>Primary position.

The courses should then automatically appear in the learner's learning plan.

I think first off Id check all the start date/finish dates are correct in the courses, learning plan and for the learners.

Please get back to me and let me know how you get on.

