Best practice forum (Archived)

Plugins check problem after uploading new contributed plugin

? ?
Plugins check problem after uploading new contributed plugin
de ? ? - Monday, 25 de February de 2013, 03:00

I have this really annoying problem that is not allowing me to proceed with my administration. 

I needed a question type plugin for quiz that gets me all points or no points if there is any wrong answer or an answer given too much. It is upgraded version of multichoice q. type.

But now after uploading the folder to the right place I am not permited to go any further until I install the last version or upgrade the DB. It is contibuted plugin that works normal on other moodle sites.

What can I do, how to avoid this? Is there a little code change needed in versions

This is what is says:

Plugin name: MC Some All or Nothing

Directory: /question/type/mcsaon

Source: Contributed

Current version: 

New version: 2012091800

Requires: Moodle 2011070100 qtype_multichoice (2011070100)

Status: to be installed

I would appreciate a solution to that problem...

Craig Eves
Re: Plugins check problem after uploading new contributed plugin
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 25 de February de 2013, 13:28
Grupo Totara

Hi Tom

To check what version you have of plugins and question types go to Site admin > Plugins > Plugin Overview

The latest Totara 2.2.14 has a later version of qtype-multichoice 20111002700 (if I am reading my dates right) so theoretically should work if the plugin is upwardly compatible. Seeing the some or nothing it is a non standard plugin Totara doesn't support this and are not familiar with this plugin. Any changes to the code would need to go to the contributor of this plugin or maybe a Totara partner who is familiar with this.
