Best practice forum (Archived)

Audience Based Visibility - Version 2.6.4

Michelle Lamont
Audience Based Visibility - Version 2.6.4
von Michelle Lamont – Wednesday, 2 July 2014, 7:29 PM


I've noticed that somewhere along the line, between version 2.6.0 and 2.6.4, the options available in the Audience-Based Visibility drop down field (in Course settings) have changed from:

  • Hidden from all users
  • Visible to members of the selected audience
  • Visible to all users

To ......

  • Visible to enrolled users
  • Visible to enrolled users and members of the selected audience
  • Visible to all users

Can someone point in the direction of a nice summary, description or explanation about how the "new" options should work and why there's no 'Hidden from all users' option anymore?  Is the ability to completely 'Hide' a course now soley driven by Hide/Show icon beside the course via Course and Category Management?

I'm looking for more information than what the question mark button beside the field provides and unfortunately the Course Creator Video Training is based on a 2.6 version that contains the "old" options.



Re: Audience Based Visibility - Version 2.6.4
von George Angus – Wednesday, 2 July 2014, 8:36 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Michelle,

The change here was to deal with an issue we are dealing with in 2.7, basically if audience-based visibility is turned on, it overrides the other visible on/off setting. So in answer to you question - the original option title of "Hidden from all users" - wasn't really accurate, as enrolled users could see a hidden course. We re-titled it to "Visible to enrolled users", but a true Hide option, like the former visible field, won't be available until 2.7.

Hope this is useful,


Michelle Lamont
Re: Audience Based Visibility - Version 2.6.4
von Michelle Lamont – Thursday, 3 July 2014, 5:53 PM

Thanks George - that makes sense.