Best practice forum (Archived)
Die Forendiskussion wurde entfernt
Hi Melissa
The trainer role by default is not a graded role so won't show in the gradebook - the trainer is previewing the quiz.
The default role for being included in gradebook is the Learner role.
You can add this person as a learner in the course through assign roles or create a dummy learner user. It is possible to delete attempts once finished testing.
Hi Melissa
OK you can still check that learners have the default settings under graded roles and show gradebook to students , yes under site administration.
Is the Quiz a Totara quiz or a SCORM object if it is a SCORM there are publishing settings in the SCORM that need to be correctly done.
Other things to check are does the user have two roles trainer and learner - and check quiz is being submitted.
I can't think of any other things that might be causing this but there probably are.