Best practice forum (Archived)

I can´t edit default Learning Plan or Create a New One

? ?
I can´t edit default Learning Plan or Create a New One
door ? ? - Monday, 20 May 2013, 15:27 PM

Could you help us to find why we can not creat a new learning Plan or edit the default one.

We are using a 2.2.18 version.

When I try to create a new one it appears a message that said, please introduce date in the correct format dd/mm/aa and I'm introducing it in that way.

Other doubt can we have undefined number of learning Plans, or just one for all the organization.

I ask you because they client would like to have a differente learning Plan for different organizations (They have multiple users in different countries.)



Re: I can´t edit default Learning Plan or Create a New One
door George Angus - Monday, 20 May 2013, 16:46 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Pablo,

Ill get a dev to look at this, it happened to me the first time I tried with that date, then when I just clikced on the calander again it worked OK - are you still having problems?. You can only have one current Learning plan throughout the whole site at present (in 2.2), its possible to have several in 2.4 though.



Re: I can´t edit default Learning Plan or Create a New One
door George Angus - Monday, 20 May 2013, 18:51 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Pablo,

We tested the date function on other installs and it seems to be fine.


? ?
Re: I can´t edit default Learning Plan or Create a New One
door ? ? - Tuesday, 21 May 2013, 09:13 AM

Thanks George, It seems to happen just in one of my sites, with this Client, which I'm near to deliver,  and I don't know why.

Other question, once  I have the Learning Plan configured with a custom Work flow, How can I make the Learning Plan of each student  takes the correspondig Courses, Objectives, Programs, that will belong to the Program.






? ?
Re: I can´t edit default Learning Plan or Create a New One
door ? ? - Tuesday, 21 May 2013, 16:05 PM

Hi Pablo,


This may be related to another current issue. You should check the langpacks in the installation that is causing the problem, in every language that is installed, in the totara_core langfile, string 'datepickerregexphp'


This should really only be set in the base English language file and also in en_us, if there is an entry in any other language it is probably incorrect and should be removed. The en string should be as follows:


$string['datepickerregexphp'] = '/^(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\/(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])\/(\d{2})$/';


So either change the string in other languages to match this, or remove the non-English strings entirely. I think this is probably the source of your error on this particular installation. We are working on a permanent fix for this problem but in the meantime you may have to manually edit the language files whenever this problem crops up.

? ?
Re: I can´t edit default Learning Plan or Create a New One
door ? ? - Tuesday, 21 May 2013, 17:11 PM

Thanks Irvine, We will try this.

I'll keep you posted under results.

Re: I can´t edit default Learning Plan or Create a New One
door George Angus - Tuesday, 21 May 2013, 16:34 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Pablo,

The learning plan template is the template for ALL learners on the site. But you can use dynamic audiences to specify course s/programs by specified criteria to learners.



? ?
Re: I can´t edit default Learning Plan or Create a New One
door ? ? - Tuesday, 21 May 2013, 17:13 PM

George in this case, taking your advises.


  •  I’m tryingo to handle it in that way, I mean, dynamyc audiences to define course or program enrollment for a student, the thing is that when I login as one of those studens (that blelongs to an audience)  in the Learning  Program of the student I don’t see any of the courses or programs supposed to be enrolled.

Can you suggest me what I'm not considering.



Re: I can´t edit default Learning Plan or Create a New One
door George Angus - Tuesday, 21 May 2013, 18:49 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Pablo,

They should appear in the Learner's Record of Leanring: All Courses, under the courses tab.



Michelle Lamont
Re: I can´t edit default Learning Plan or Create a New One
door Michelle Lamont - Wednesday, 24 July 2013, 18:27 PM

Hello - I stumbled across this post to source an answer or suggestion about why a test course I've created (and linked competency) that's assigned to a dynamic audience doesn't appear on a newly created Learning Plan for a learner.  I checked the advanced workflow settings within the Learning Plan template.  All automatic assignment tick boxes (under competencies) are selected, i.e. auto assign by position, organisation, competencies and linked courses.  For this reason, I thought the course (and linked competency) would appear in the learner's (new) Learning Plan.

As recommended by George in this post, I thought perhaps I just need to use the 'Record of Learning' and perhaps forget about the Learning Plan for now.  However, when I logged in as one of the learners, the course that was aligned via dynamic audience appears under courses, but the linked competency doesn't appear until you complete the course and therefore achieve the competency.

What I'm ultimately trying to achieve is the easiest way for a learner to see an overall summary of their:

  • Current courses (regardless of enrolment method) and their progress
  • Current programs (regardless of enrolment method) and their progress
  • Current competencies (completed and not completed)

I just can't seem to achieve this nicely in one spot.    Am I perhaps doing something wrong?

Thanks, Michelle

Re: I can´t edit default Learning Plan or Create a New One
door George Angus - Wednesday, 24 July 2013, 21:58 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Michelle,

This appears to be a bit odd - can you send me screenshots of the Workflow settings? 




Michelle Lamont
Re: I can´t edit default Learning Plan or Create a New One
door Michelle Lamont - Wednesday, 24 July 2013, 22:19 PM

That's what I thought George, hence why it's very possible I'm doing something wrong. Below is a screen shot of the Advanced Workflow settings in the default Learning Plan.  Is this the only screen shot you're after?  Happy to send more if required.

Re: I can´t edit default Learning Plan or Create a New One
door George Angus - Thursday, 25 July 2013, 20:21 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Michelle,

The contents of a learning plan usually relates directly to a user's position and organisation and the assigned competencies there, rather than any ad-hoc compentancies & courses as assigned by a dynamic audience. The problem you are experiencing I think stems from the fact that competencies are only visible in the learning plan, rather than the Record of Learning - courses assigned to the learner by an audience will not appear in the Learning plan.

Hope this is useful,




Michelle Lamont
Re: I can´t edit default Learning Plan or Create a New One
door Michelle Lamont - Sunday, 28 July 2013, 19:03 PM

Thanks for clarifying George.  It's good to know that what I'm experiencing is 'intended' behaviour, although it's a shame that this information (course, program and competency progress) can't be viewed and tracked in the one place.

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

Regards, Michelle

Re: I can´t edit default Learning Plan or Create a New One
door George Angus - Sunday, 28 July 2013, 21:41 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Michelle,

I think at present the best way forward would be to tie up multiple reports in a spreadsheet, other than using the Record of Learning functionality under My Team.

