Best practice forum (Archived)

How can unsuscribe automatically an user from a Course

? ?
How can unsuscribe automatically an user from a Course
de ? ? - Friday, 10 de May de 2013, 09:28


We have the next detail with one client.

We are using Totara 2.2.17 with them. We are using sync, and the rules we set on the dinamic audiences are based on position.

The thing is when the user have a change on his positionname on the sync file they effectevily are subcribed to the new course they supposed to take.

The issue we have, is that the users keep subscribed to the initial course according to their first positionname. They could not launch it, but when they get in to Totara, they see on the screen both coursesin their My complete course label, and we want to find the way to unsuscribe the user form the first course massively and not going in to the course an go one by one in order to unsuscribe them.

Do you know in orther to solve this if we can use secondary position on the sync csv and if this could help us to solve the issue, or how can we give to the client a solution more automatic and not manually.





? ?
Re: How can unsuscribe automatically an user from a Course
de ? ? - Friday, 10 de May de 2013, 10:28

Hi Pablo,

Just to make sure I am understanding the situation, users are subscribed to a course through an audience based on their position name. If a user's position name changes, they are subscribed to a new position-based course and you want them to be unsubscribed from the original course for their prior position.

The secondary position won't help in this situation because it is not used to enroll/subscribe users to courses; it's just informational.

It would require a customization to automate the process of unenrollment based on user leaving an audience; at the moment the only method I'm aware of would be to manually unenroll the users.



Re: How can unsuscribe automatically an user from a Course
de George Angus - Sunday, 12 de May de 2013, 20:58
Grupo Totara

Hi Pablo,

There is no facility for bulk-unerolling at the moment. Ill put in an enhancement bug, but I think in the short-mid term some custom work would be the quickest solution.

