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Hi Amir,
There are two functions that handling the actual sending of tasks/alerts, tm_alert_send() and tm_task_send(). The simplest way to see how they are used is to look at the usage of those functions in the code.
A quick search indicates the following are tasks:
- Program extension requests to manager
- Face-to-face booking request to manager
And the following are alerts:
- Other face-to-face notifications
- Audience email messages
- Learning plan notifications
- Other program messages
The main difference between the two is that the task block supports additional actions (such as accept or decline) directly within the message, whereas alerts only allow the user to dismiss the message. Therefore if you want the user receiving the message to be able to quickly confirm something, tasks are more appropriate, otherwise use an alert.
Hope that answers your question.
Hi Amir, SImon and George.
I'm wondering if I can add something to Amir's query please? We have a client who wishes to manage system emails and the dashboards more efficiently using the new messaging control funcitons and they would like a list of all triggers that fall under tasks, alerts, and the default message output settings at;
Home / ► Site administration / ► Plugins / ► Message outputs / ► Default message outputs
Whilst the headings are usful, we need the detail under each so we can determine how to set each message type. For example I may want to not have Totara sent an email everytime someone adds a 'comment' to a learing plan, but I do want Toatra to send all F2F confirmations and cancellations. So having the detail about what sits under each of the following headings and also how these appear in the dashboards is fairly crucial to these settings.
- Alert Notifications
- Assignment notifications
- Authorize.Net enrolment messages
- Backup notifications
- Confirmation of your own quiz submissions
- Course creation request approval notification
- Course creation request notification
- Course creation request rejection notification
- Essay graded notification
- Feedback notifications
- Feedback reminder
- Flat file enrolment messages
- Important errors with the site
- IMS Enterprise enrolment messages
- Notices about minor problems
- Notification of quiz submissions
- PayPal enrolment messages
- Personal messages between users
- Subscribed forum posts
- Task Notifications
Sorry for adding more to Amir's query, but I think we are basically after the same response?
Hi Richard,
Yes we have an open feature request (T-9725) to allow more fine-grained control over different types of alerts/tasks. I agree it would be a very useful feature. Unfortunately we don't have any resources to work on it right now, but it's definitely on the list.