Best practice forum (Archived)

Activity reports - Course completion

Sarah Cao
Activity reports - Course completion
par Sarah Cao, Thursday 13 June 2013, 14:35

I was able to access the Course completion page from a user's profile in 2.2.17 (via Users > [user's name] > Activity reports > Course completion; url ends in /report/completion/user.php?id=#&course=#).

However, after upgrading to 2.2.19, I can't find that link anymore. Since I still had that tab open from before the upgrade, I reopened the URL in a new tab and got strings (and a missing bread crumb) instead. Not sure if anything else changed for this install, but the link is still appearing on our other 2.2 and 2.4 instances.



? ?
Re: Activity reports - Course completion
par ? ?, Thursday 13 June 2013, 19:29

Hi Sarah,


You are right, it appears that changes that were made to the completion system in 2.2.18 have broken this report and removed it from the navigation, but it is still working fine in 2.4.

I'll investigate and fix the problem for the next 2.2 release, thank you for bringing this to our attention!

? ?
Re: Activity reports - Course completion
par ? ?, Monday 1 July 2013, 22:13

A patch for this issue was included in today's (2nd July) release of Totara 2.2.20.