Best practice forum (Archived)

Report by Manager path

David Hawke
Report by Manager path
di David Hawke - Monday, 10 June 2013, 18:44

HI All

TotaraLMS 1.1.21

We need to be able to report by manager path and the current report by position report shows all users below the position, not below the individual.

The manager paths are correctly built so we would have expected the report to behave.

Two questions

- Is there any way to get this working in 1.1.21 (otherwise we will have to rebuild the position hierarchy so that each individual in a position has a unique position ... )

- Can we report by manager_path in 2.4 ... 


David Hawke

Re: Report by Manager path
di George Angus - Monday, 10 June 2013, 19:31
Gruppo Totara

Hi David,

If the Mananger paths are reflected in the position hierachy then you should be able to report from the position and the individual as they will be the same. Are you refering to the content tab when you are taliking about "below the position"?

As far as the Content tab goes in 1.1 & 2.4 all thats really different is the new "Show by tIme created" option in 2.4.




David Hawke
Re: Report by Manager path
di David Hawke - Monday, 10 June 2013, 22:13


Thanks George

We build the managerpath daily in mdl_pos_assignments to keep them in sync with our reporting structure but the reports based on position are returning all users under that position.

However, the position hierarchy is flat as there are anomalies in the position naming - could that be interfering (by flat, I mean that they are all relative to Top)



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Re: Report by Manager path
di George Angus - Tuesday, 11 June 2013, 14:50
Gruppo Totara

Hi Alan,

Im a bit unclear here - you are talking about learning plans - in v1?



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Re: Report by Manager path
di George Angus - Wednesday, 12 June 2013, 20:09
Gruppo Totara

Hi Alan,

I can see this may be a good idea, but at present we do not have enough demand to justify devoting resource to it in the immediate future. I think a custom solution might be best.



David Hawke
Re: Report by Manager path
di David Hawke - Tuesday, 11 June 2013, 12:08

I've investigated further and found the following

- position hierarchy needs to be correctly built (that is, position A reports to position B which reports position C) - this makes sense :-)

- our managerpath was being built to the individual (rather than stopping at the manager (that is, if the user has id 220 and the manager id is 340, then the managerpath was /81/50/340/220 - should be /81/50/340) - fixed that :-)

However, I can't get the report including only those who report directly to the manager or are children of the direct reports.

I can get the report generating direct reports only, and I can get the report generating all children of the position, but I can't see how to get the direct reports and their children.

Any hints ??


David H

Re: Report by Manager path
di George Angus - Tuesday, 11 June 2013, 14:54
Gruppo Totara

Hi David,

Can you send me screenshots of all the report settings?



Re: Report by Manager path
di George Angus - Tuesday, 11 June 2013, 21:17
Gruppo Totara

Hi David,

If you have the Positions set up to reflect the management strucutre and the Organisation hierarchy set up to reflect the organisational relationships then you should be able to produce the required reporting without any difficulty. Also Id double check the Content settings of the reports in question.



David Hawke
Re: Report by Manager path
di David Hawke - Tuesday, 11 June 2013, 21:36

Thanks George 

We'll keep investigating :-)

David H