Hi George... it's complicated. We have 1200+ users, around 10 foundational role sets (52 'courses' for those), and 15+ core organisational sets, all with competencies assigned, as well as specialist sets of roles which we add manually to Plans at user set-up - quite a complex mix and match.
We've spent the last year setting up all existing Users with Plans, using the Learning Plan default to pre-populate Plans based on primary role and organisation + additional courses/competencies added based on any specialist roles etc., and a customised Workflow on the Plans. Staff and managers can add additional courses independently.
If staff move to a role/service area I complete one Plan and set them up another, and all new staff have a Plan set up by me to ensure consistency. With the previous version of Totara, it was easy to locate the User on the system, select their Profile, and create a Learning Plan by clicking on the link in their Profile view as Administrator.
With 2.4, I can't find a way in to do this as Administrator, except by logging in as their manager and clicking on the 'Plans' link under the relevant user name from their 'My Team' view - and this doesn't seem to work consistently. I'll explore the Audience function... might need to set up competency sets assigned to roles this way?