Best practice forum (Archived)

Setting up a new user with a Plan on 2.4

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Setting up a new user with a Plan on 2.4
بواسطة Tuesday, 25 June 2013, 4:30 PM - ? ?

Hi folks - we've just upgraded to 2.4, with all the fun inherent in learning where things are located now... have succeeded with most searches but am stumped by where to go to set up new users with Plans... we opted for the Learning Plan default, with competency sets which pull through automatically, linked to Position and Organisation etc. - and it used to be that I could select the user, and Profile, Learning Plans... Create New Plan.. but now I can't find where to do this.


Re: Setting up a new user with a Plan on 2.4
بواسطة Tuesday, 25 June 2013, 8:55 PM - George Angus
مجموعة Totara

Hi Kitty,

Apologies for the delay in getting back to you.  Can you tell me what you are upgrading from?  



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Re: Setting up a new user with a Plan on 2.4
بواسطة Tuesday, 25 June 2013, 9:12 PM - ? ?

A giant leap - from 1.1 I think.

I've managed to set up one Plan for a new user by logging in as the person's manager/My Team tab/selected person from the list and clicked on 'Plans' - that allowed me to create one. Seems a bit convoluted though.

Tried with one other person unsuccessfully, but that was with a person not usually a 'manager' on the system (staff member with a student) - tried assigning her manager role at site level to see if that would make a difference, but doesn't seem to have so far.

Checked Devt Plan workflow settings to see if anything's different there, but it doesn't seem to be. We had it set previously that manager could create a new Plan (learners can't), but that allowed me as Admin to do so also.


Re: Setting up a new user with a Plan on 2.4
بواسطة Tuesday, 25 June 2013, 9:23 PM - George Angus
مجموعة Totara

Hi Kitty,

Perhaps you would be better using the Program functionality under Site Admin> Courses. You can also creat an Audience based on start date under Users>Audiences  if you set the Type to Dynamic (Site admin>Users>Accounts>Audiences - click "Add") First Login date.

If you identify your target Audience then you can assign then to a program containing the relevant courses.

hope this helps.


Re: Setting up a new user with a Plan on 2.4
بواسطة Tuesday, 25 June 2013, 9:46 PM - George Angus
مجموعة Totara

Hi Kitty,

There are a variety of methods to allocate course to new users - you could also use Position Start date, the use of Audience and Program functionality offers a great deal more flexibility and scope.



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Re: Setting up a new user with a Plan on 2.4
بواسطة Wednesday, 26 June 2013, 2:08 AM - ? ?

Hi George... it's complicated. We have 1200+ users, around 10 foundational role sets (52 'courses' for those), and 15+ core organisational sets, all with competencies assigned, as well as specialist sets of roles which we add manually to Plans at user set-up - quite a complex mix and match.

We've spent the last year setting up all existing Users with Plans, using the Learning Plan default to pre-populate Plans based on primary role and organisation + additional courses/competencies added based on any specialist roles etc., and a customised Workflow on the Plans. Staff and managers can add additional courses independently.

If staff move to a role/service area I complete one Plan and set them up another, and all new staff have a Plan set up by me to ensure consistency. With the previous version of Totara, it was easy to locate the User on the system, select their Profile, and create a Learning Plan by clicking on the link in their Profile view as Administrator.

With 2.4, I can't find a way in to do this as Administrator, except by logging in as their manager and clicking on the 'Plans' link under the relevant user name from their 'My Team' view - and this doesn't seem to work consistently. I'll explore the Audience function... might need to set up competency sets assigned to roles this way?


Re: Setting up a new user with a Plan on 2.4
بواسطة Wednesday, 26 June 2013, 4:07 PM - George Angus
مجموعة Totara

Hi Kitty,

It is possible to assign multiple Learning plans through Audiences - if you have a look at the Learning plan tab under Audiences - its possible in 2.4 to have several learning plans running concurrently. Its also possible to assign course roles under Settings>Users>Entolment Methods.

Hope this is useful - any queries please dont hesitate to get back.



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Re: Setting up a new user with a Plan on 2.4
بواسطة Monday, 15 July 2013, 5:46 PM - ? ?

Hi there - this turned out to be a bug in 2.4 - there was no link set up to Learning Plans on Profiles - now remedied, so no longer need to log in as manager to set up a Plan - which is a great relief...