Best practice forum (Archived)

Request fo Testimonials of Successful HRIS Integrations

Re: Request fo Testimonials of Successful HRIS Integrations
?? 发表于 2013年07月7日 Sunday 20:24

Pablo: Thank you for responding. The particular client I am working with has needs very similar to what you have mentioned, however they insist upon an API in order to perform HR synchronization as well as for pulling course completions via API. As you may know, TotaraLMS does not have API/web-services wrapping features such as "Totara Hierarchies" (ie positions, organizations, user/manager mappings) and course completions. Does your client intend to use API/web-services features, or some other method such as direct database query or other Totara customizations? If your project goes the route of API my client would be very interested in hearing from them. One of the things holding them back from Totara at the moment is lack of "testimonial" indicating that others have done what they want to do. We are fully prepared to have the necessary APIs' developed, but I want to give this client some peace of mind so that we can move forward.