We have a large organisation hierarchy in Totara 1.1 which is showing some odd behaviour when viewed in "Manage Organisations". There are a few hundred entities organised geographically with Towns in Regions in Zones. This has appeared to work as expected for several months as far as the reporting goes, but now we have to re-distribute these with some Towns being allocated to different Regions and we've discovered that some of them are displayed in the wrong order.
In the screenshot below I've drawn rectangles around the orgs which are (from the top) in Region 28, 26 and 27 but which all appear under region 28. Clicking the edit icon shows the correct region (parent org) and you can see they all have the correct up/down arrow icons to move within their correct parents. Downloading the spreadsheet from here also contains the same errors so presumably this rules out any javascript post-processing which was my best guess so far.
Looking into the database mdl_org table shows the correct values for their heirarchy and they generally seem to behave themselves in reporting, however reorganising them has become a confusing chore.
Anyone else seen anything like this, or got any suggestions?