Best practice forum (Archived)

Slight tweak to online help

Daniel Bond
Slight tweak to online help
by Daniel Bond - Thursday, 22 January 2015, 3:02 AM
Group Most helpful contributor 2023 suggests that the format for auth is the full name of the plugin, but from some testing (read it not working when I used that format), it appears to be the shortname (so nologin rather than No Login). Might be worth tweaking, and also thought it was worth posting in case anyone else is searching for the same problem.



Re: Slight tweak to online help
by George Angus - Sunday, 25 January 2015, 12:18 PM
Group Totara

Hi Dan,

Thanks for that - Ive updated. We are in the process of putting together a new helpsite and will be rolling it out in the near future.

