Best practice forum (Archived)

Displaying course name above topics

Displaying course name above topics
BloorRob 发表于 2013年08月7日 Wednesday 02:41

Nearly there! As a new user, when I go into a course then it displays topics, however the course name is only displayed on the left navigation bar.  I would like the course name to also be display at the top of the topics.  My rationale is that if I find it confusing then others will.

There is the workaround of having the first topic to always be the course name?

Or have I missed another simple default option?



Re: Displaying course name above topics
BozhkoYuliya 发表于 2013年08月7日 Wednesday 14:35

Hi Rob,

That depends on what kind of course format you are using. As far as I remember, "Demo" format always has a course name as the title for the first topic, but other formats don't. You might need to edit them manually to make sure they appear in the topic title. Unfortunately, there is no course option where you can select to show the course name at the top of the course page.


Curry (Core Developer)David
Re: Displaying course name above topics
Curry (Core Developer)David 发表于 2013年08月7日 Wednesday 15:57
小组 Totara

Hey Rob,

I'd just like to add that if you are on 2.4 you can use the Demo Format. It has the behaviour you are asking about, Default #0 title block at the top of the page with the course fullname as the title. Other than that and a few slight visual differences it works the same as the Topics Format, worth having a look at anyway.


Re: Displaying course name above topics
BloorRob 发表于 2013年08月8日 Thursday 08:23

Thanks for your help, played about with the demo mode today.  However similar to the News Items if there is no activity in the box it didn't seem to display the title.  Decided to use my workaround.