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"Recent Learning" in the "My learning" Tab on 2.2

Adam Parsons
"Recent Learning" in the "My learning" Tab on 2.2
על ידי Adam Parsons בתאריך 2/09/2013, 03:35



In the my learning tab, under the heading Recent Learning, it displays a list of courses which a learning is enrolled on, has partially completed, or recently completed. Is there a time cut off point when a course no longer becomes "recent" and therefore no longer appears in that list? If so, is this a configurable timescale within Totara?


Many thanks


Adam Parsons
Re: "Recent Learning" in the "My learning" Tab on 2.2
על ידי Adam Parsons בתאריך 10/09/2013, 07:20



Does anyone have any idea about the above at all? It is within Totara 2.2 in the Recent Learning tab when logged in as a learner.



Re: "Recent Learning" in the "My learning" Tab on 2.2
על ידי George Angus בתאריך 10/09/2013, 13:59
קבוצה Totara

Hi Adam,

Apologies for the delay. One our devs looked at the code and there is no cut-off date, and it isnt configurable. When the Learner becomes unernrolled then course is dropped from the list.

