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Articulate Storyline and Totara

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Articulate Storyline and Totara
von ? ? – Monday, 30 September 2013, 5:32 AM

Hi all,

We are in the process of implementing Totara and have a number of courses and quizzes created in Storyline. We have gone down the route of creating courses (no result slide; tracking set to number of slides viewed; and report status Completed/Incomplete) and quizzes (results slide; tracking set to use quiz result; and report status Passed/Failed).

Firstly, does anybody else use these settings in Storyline or should I be reporting differently, and secondly, what settings should I select in the Activity completion section in Totara?. I've tried various combinations but generally am not having much luck with the activity being marked complete in the completion progress details.

Your help would be VERY much appreciated.

Kindest regards.