Best practice forum (Archived)

Forum access restriction based on Audiences?

Adam Parsons
Forum access restriction based on Audiences?
بواسطة Tuesday, 8 October 2013, 3:39 AM - Adam Parsons



Is it possible within Totara 2.2 to set up a number of forums, and allow access to each one only to a spefic audience (different for each forum) as a way of allowing user groups by position type, and peer learning etc?

Ideally, it would be such that users in a dynamic audience would be automatically subscribed to the forum, and those outside of the audience, would only see their own forum when logged in.




Adam Parsons
Re: Forum access restriction based on Audiences?
بواسطة Tuesday, 8 October 2013, 5:48 AM - Adam Parsons



Just discovered an answer to this so dont worry about responding. 


Thanks all,

