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Best practice forum (Archived)
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Hi Timothy,
Could you send me a screenshot of what you are seeing so we are both looking at the same thing?
many thanks,
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Hi Tim,
The part about waiting until the next day for the program to be complete will be fixed by instant completion.
In the specific situation of a popup window, instant completion won't solve the problem. Unfortunately there is no way for us to detect the closing of the window and cause the underlying page to refresh in that situation.
If you are able to avoid using a popup window that should solve this issue. If you need to use popups, can you provide a bit more info about how things are configured and we might be able to help? I need to know:
- What course format you are using (Course Administration > Edit settings)
- What version of Totara you are on?
- Details of your current SCORM settings - a screenshot of the "Edit scorm" screen with all options expanded would be most helpful here.