Best practice forum (Archived)

Certifications + audiences = almost brilliant

Tim Newham
Certifications + audiences = almost brilliant
von Tim Newham – Tuesday, 19 November 2013, 1:38 AM
Gruppe Partners

But, there's just one change that would let us do what we need.

Scenario: we have mandatory training rules where an indivdual needs to do some learning every year to certify, and they can either take a F2F or e-learning route. HOWEVER, they cannot do e-learning twice in a row (i.e. if I do e-learning this year, I have to do F2F next year).

My initial idea was: a recertification route containing both F2F and e-learning activities, but then use audiences to retrict access based on course completion. Create an audience called "done e-learning" and hide e-learning course from them, so they're forced to do the F2F route to recertification. But to do this, I need relative dates in the "rule set - by course completion". I need, for example, "completed course within 1 year of [today] and less then 2 years of [today], whereas today I can only do this by absolute date (completed before dd/mm/yyyy).

Unless anyone can think of another way to achieve my aim?

If not, then can this be added to the future development list?



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Tim Newham
Re: Certifications + audiences = almost brilliant
von Tim Newham – Wednesday, 20 November 2013, 11:39 AM
Gruppe Partners

Hi Liz, that's a really good idea, thanks! I'll give it a go. I'd forgotten about metacourses in all the "Totara programs" excitement of earlier in the year.

It sounds like you and I are on similar learning curves for Certifications too, though you may well be a bit ahead of me! Happy to share ideas offline too, if you like.

Best wishes,
