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Completion criteria no longer recalculates - Totara 2.5.1

? ?
Completion criteria no longer recalculates - Totara 2.5.1
von ? ? – Wednesday, 20 November 2013, 12:00 PM

I have noticed an issue with Totara 2.5 relating to completion.

In the past, if you edited completion settings for a course after users already had some data, it would warn you about it and allow you to "unlock criteria and delete existing completion data". After editing and running cron, it would reprocess everything and create the completion records again (in the mdl_course_completion_crit_compl table).

However, with the latest version, it no longer recreates those records, and thus in the Completion report, none of the modules will show as complete. 

Possibly a side-effect of the "instance course and program completion"?

To reproduce, setup completion on a resource in a course, and set it as required for course completion. View the resource with a user, then view the Course Completion report. The user should have a checkmark.

Now, edit completion for the course, and choose to delete existing data. Save completion and run cron. The user will no longer have a checkmark in the Course Completion report.

Dieser Forumsbeitrag wurde entfernt
Thursday, 21 November 2013, 2:48 PM
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? ?
Re: Completion criteria no longer recalculates - Totara 2.5.1
von ? ? – Monday, 25 November 2013, 10:03 AM

Hi Aaron,

Thanks for the update. Looking forward to the patch. Thanks again!

? ?
Re: Completion criteria no longer recalculates - Totara 2.5.1
von ? ? – Tuesday, 26 November 2013, 2:48 PM

 Hi. I've experienced similiar behaviors. Any update on patch availibility? Thanks Aaron.



Dieser Forumsbeitrag wurde entfernt
Wednesday, 4 December 2013, 1:06 PM
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? ?
Re: Completion criteria no longer recalculates - Totara 2.5.1
von ? ? – Wednesday, 4 December 2013, 1:20 PM

Thank you for the update. Any chance you can give a more specific estimation on when this will be released? I've got a large customer that is calling me daily about this as it has caused them quite a bit of grief. I'd like to give them a date if I can?




Re: Completion criteria no longer recalculates - Totara 2.5.1
von George Angus – Wednesday, 4 December 2013, 2:53 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Matt,

When we get the patch it will require a fair amount of testing, Tuesday is the release, if it doesnt make it into that the next release is the 24th - subject to QA.



? ?
Re: Completion criteria no longer recalculates - Totara 2.5.1
von ? ? – Tuesday, 10 December 2013, 7:42 AM

Hi George

I just read the release notes but I can't tell if the new patch fixes the issue outlined in this thread. Can you tell me if this patch fixes the issue?



Simon Coggins
Re: Completion criteria no longer recalculates - Totara 2.5.1
von Simon Coggins – Wednesday, 11 December 2013, 4:33 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Matt,

I'm sorry, this patch didn't make it into this week's release. It is very close so it should be in the next one though.



? ?
Re: Completion criteria no longer recalculates - Totara 2.5.1
von ? ? – Wednesday, 18 December 2013, 9:02 AM

Hi Everyone

Has this bug been patched yet? I'm getting tons of heat from our biggest client because this has messed up their entire reporting structure. Can I get an update please?



Simon Coggins
Re: Completion criteria no longer recalculates - Totara 2.5.1
von Simon Coggins – Wednesday, 18 December 2013, 11:47 AM
Gruppe Totara

We have a patch going through testing now so it should definitely be in the next release which will be Monday 23rd December.



Dieser Forumsbeitrag wurde entfernt
Sunday, 29 December 2013, 5:47 PM
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? ?
Re: Completion criteria no longer recalculates - Totara 2.5.1
von ? ? – Sunday, 29 December 2013, 6:18 PM

Hi Peter,

Yes, Aaron's patch was included in the Dec 24th release of Totara 2.5.4, however we forgot to mention it on the changelog & release notes. Sorry for the oversight!

Simon Coggins
Re: Completion criteria no longer recalculates - Totara 2.5.1
von Simon Coggins – Thursday, 2 January 2014, 3:44 PM
Gruppe Totara

It was in the release notes as:

MDL-34481  Ensure that completion is recalculated on next cron run following changes to completion settings

However we do normally post to let you know when things are fixed but this one got missed.

By the way, be aware that a cron run is still required after changing the completion settings before everything is up to date. This is done for performance reasons since changing the completion settings could result in lots of completions which could take a long time to process.
