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Behaviour of Goals in 2.5

Behaviour of Goals in 2.5
BondDaniel 发表于 2013年11月13日 Wednesday 08:17
小组 Most helpful contributor 2023

Quick question about Goals:

If a manager assigns an employee a goal, only the manager can change the status of it, which makes sense.

If however Goal Review is included in an appraisal and the "Include Rating" is ticked, the employee can then modify the status of an assigned goal.

Is this the expected behaviour? Does allowing the employee to answer the goal review mean that they should be able to change the status of a goal that they can't through the Appraisals > My Goals screen?


Curry (Core Developer)David
Re: Behaviour of Goals in 2.5
Curry (Core Developer)David 发表于 2013年11月13日 Wednesday 13:05
小组 Totara

Hey Dan,

I think I see where you are coming from here. If I remove the permission to manage own company goals, they show up as un-editable strings on the my goals page. But if I then have an appraisal set up like you said, they show up as drop down selectors. Changing those selectors doesn't actually seem to have any effect on the learners actual status for that goal, however it isn't very consistent so I'll put a bug in to fix it.


Re: Behaviour of Goals in 2.5
BondDaniel 发表于 2013年11月14日 Thursday 03:52
小组 Most helpful contributor 2023

Not sure if what you're describing is exactly what I'm describing, apologies if it is. Scenario:

Manager creates a personal goal for an employee and assigns it to them. In "My Goals" manager can set status, employee can't.

In an appraisal between manager and employee one of the items is a Goal Review, where both manager and employee can enter data. In this context, both manager and employee can change the status of the assigned goal, and changes that the employee makes are saved and reflected in their "My Goals" (where they still can't change the goal status).


Curry (Core Developer)David
Re: Behaviour of Goals in 2.5
Curry (Core Developer)David 发表于 2013年11月14日 Thursday 12:05
小组 Totara

Right, personal goals! I'll have another look.


Curry (Core Developer)David
Re: Behaviour of Goals in 2.5
Curry (Core Developer)David 发表于 2013年11月14日 Thursday 12:32
小组 Totara

Yes, I am seeing the same behaviour. I'd say any scale that is uneditable on the my goals page shouldn't be editable on the appraisal either, I'll amend the bug I filed yesterday to include this.


Re: Behaviour of Goals in 2.5
BondDaniel 发表于 2013年11月15日 Friday 05:58
小组 Most helpful contributor 2023

There also appears to be a slight issue with editing goals generally; An employee is assigned a personal goal (in this example called "Assigned Goal") by their manager. They can't change the status on their "My Goals" page, as expected:

They can however click on the name of it, and the title has the "Edit" pencil and scale value is a drop-down:

The Goal can be edited:

Changes made on the edit screen, and to the Goal Value, are saved:

Curry (Core Developer)David
Re: Behaviour of Goals in 2.5
Curry (Core Developer)David 发表于 2013年11月17日 Sunday 13:43
小组 Totara

I won't close the bug then! I'll try have a look into this one today, if it's similar to the last one it shouldn't be too hard to fix.


Curry (Core Developer)David
Re: Behaviour of Goals in 2.5
Curry (Core Developer)David 发表于 2013年11月17日 Sunday 15:13
小组 Totara

I've added a fix for this to the original patch, all these places now get the permissions from a central function in goal/lib.php so they should behave consistently. Do let me know if you find any more places where this kind of this is happening though.


Curry (Core Developer)David
Re: Behaviour of Goals in 2.5
Curry (Core Developer)David 发表于 2013年12月10日 Tuesday 14:01
小组 Totara

Hey Dan,

The patch was included in yesterdays release of Totara 2.5.3, upgrading should have the goals permissions working a lot more consistently. Thanks for letting us know about this, and make sure to let me know if you still have any problems after upgrading.


Curry (Core Developer)David
Re: Behaviour of Goals in 2.5
Curry (Core Developer)David 发表于 2013年11月14日 Thursday 16:58
小组 Totara

Hey Dan,

Just to let you know I have a patch in review fixing this, you should probably see it in the next 2.5 release in a couple of weeks.
