Best practice forum (Archived)


Suzanne Duncan
de Suzanne Duncan - Thursday, 19 de December de 2013, 17:03

Hi - if anyone is still working this close to Christmas..... - we are on Totara 2.4.14 - I am trying to write a report that will show attendance for face to face activity that will give data on Attendance (we would like to know the numbers of no-shows etc for each course).  I have gone through the available choices on "select a source" and attendance isn't one of the options.




Ron Reeves
Re: Reports
de Ron Reeves - Friday, 20 de December de 2013, 13:54

I believe what you want to get the attendance information you describe is the 'Status'  criteria as your source in columns. It should be right above the Face to Face ones. This will return information such as 'Booked', 'Fully Attended','No Show' etc...

Hope this helps!

Suzanne Duncan
Re: Reports
de Suzanne Duncan - Sunday, 22 de December de 2013, 11:38

Fantastic, thank you so much.  I was getting so frustrated having to go through all the lists via the types of reports. 

This forum is so much help.  Best wishes for a happy holiday and New Year.

