Best practice forum (Archived)

Version 2.5 - Upload Course Completion Records

Version 2.5 - Upload Course Completion Records
LamontMichelle 发表于 2014年02月16日 Sunday 18:53


I am currently using version 2.4 and I'm looking at upgrading to 2.5.  I watched the 'What's New in Totara LMS v 2.5' YouTube demo and have a question about the course completion record upload feature (around the 26 minute mark in the demo).

It's shown in the demo that the "CSV file should contain the following columns in the first line of the file": username,courseshortname,courseidnumber,completiondate,grade

Does the word "should" imply "mandatory", or is there the ability to remove (and add) fields from the upload (similar to Totara Sync where you can add additional fields beyond the mandatory fields required)?  I understand that the 'courseshortname' and 'courseidnumber' should be included and populated with data if you want course matching to occur, but to match course completion to learners can you replace 'username' with 'idnumber' and/or 'firstname' and 'surname'?  Similarly, can you add additional fields beyond the ones I've already mentioned to the CSV field and will the data upload?

Hope the above makes sense.

Thanks, Michelle

Re: Version 2.5 - Upload Course Completion Records
AngusGeorge 发表于 2014年02月18日 Tuesday 16:48
小组 Totara

Hi Michelle

"should" in this case is probably best read as "must" :-)

Course completion upload is not as flexible as Sync...yet, though if enough people ask we may add some extra fields and options.