Best practice forum (Archived)
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Hey Billy,
Well spotted, the links to course competencies and course reminders went AWOL in 2.5 after a recent Moodle merge, so that should be fixed in the next 2.5 release next Tuesday.
I'll investigate the activity reminder issue further and get back to you on that one.
Hi Billy,
I did get this working but it was a bit convoluted.
First I assigned an activity completion criteria to a random activity, in this case an assignment where the user had to receive a grade.
Then I added a Feedback, restricted the access until the Assignment was complete, and then added the Reminders.
And THEN I set up course completion criteria where the course could not be completed until the Assignment activity was marked as complete. This is because the code in lib/reminderlib.php reminder_cron actually checks tables course_completion_criteria and course_completion_crit_compl so reminders always have to run off of course completion criteria, not individual activity completions...but of course you also need the activity completions to set up the internal workflow of the course.
But then there is one more little issue - if the cron runs quickly then the course completion criteria for the activity will get marked as complete in course_completion_crit_compl...but the timestamp difference in the SQL (lib/reminderlib.php lines 486 and 487) *might* not trigger if it gets to reminder_cron in the exact same second...which means the reminder will be sent out on the *next* (2nd) cron long as the cron is running more than once a day.
Maybe the sql on line 487 should be AND (cc.timecompleted + ?) <= ? to avoid this
This was in 2.5, with the fix for the missing Reminders link that is pending release - you should be able to still access reminders in 2.5 by manually going to /course/reminders.php?courseid=xx. I'm not sure if 2.2 works though, the completion code has changed a lot since 2.2. But you can give it a go and let me know.