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TOTARA Sync Errors - Details not shown

? ?
TOTARA Sync Errors - Details not shown
بواسطة Friday, 14 March 2014, 2:24 AM - ? ?


Can anyone point me in the direction of detailed TOTARA Sync error messages?

I am running a simple one line test sync of User to Org, Position & Manager and it fails, but the error message is very generic.

Is there a system log or other means of exposing the underlying problem?

I have followed the instructions available regarding the CSV format and the Source Configuration (see attached grab)

Thanks in advance,

Tom Ireland
Re: TOTARA Sync Errors - Details not shown
بواسطة Friday, 14 March 2014, 3:05 AM - Tom Ireland
مجموعة Totara

Hi, Ben

CSV files can be funny and I had a lot of problems with Totara Sync when I first started using it at our company.

Couple of things I would check would be the Element and Source settings for users.

If 'Source contains all records' is set to 'No', I believe you need to apply the delete flag in your CSV file. I always add a zero (0) to the deleted and timemodified columns.

Check the Source settings and make sure the character encoding is set to 'UTF-8' and and delimiter is set to 'comma'. I think this is set by default though.

I would try removing your double-quotes, too. I don't use any double-quotes in my CSV files and it uploads fine.

If you're using Excel to generate your CSV, it can throw in extra commas sometimes from what I've noticed, so watch out for that one.

In some cases, double-qoutes are needed though and it's worth doing some reading up on CSV file formatting. It certainly helped me understand it better.



? ?
Re: TOTARA Sync Errors - Details not shown
بواسطة Friday, 14 March 2014, 3:45 AM - ? ?

Thanks for your advice Tom.

I worked out my immediate error (still need to work on my csv though - so your pointers are v helpful) - I had enabled the other Sync Elements but not supplied CSV files for them so the whole of Sync was not running. When I switched off Org & Position the User one ran without errors  - but did not update the user.



Tobias Pils
Re: TOTARA Sync Errors - Details not shown
بواسطة Monday, 17 March 2014, 5:01 AM - Tobias Pils

Hi Ben,

I think the above error was due to the elements not being configured at all despite being enabled. In my experience the sync only displays warnings for missing CSV files if elements are enabled and set to look for CSV files, but it should run perfectly.

Does the user you wish to update already exist in the system? My first suggestion would be to double-check if all the Id-Numbers are correct.

Are there entries for your sync in the Sync log?

