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Re: Totara 2.5.11 - Unable to see all Audiences from Site Admin>Users>Accounts>Audiences screen
بواسطة Sunday, 21 August 2016, 10:59 PM - ? ?

This seems to be an old thread but I have been searching for the same thing for v2.7. On the user > accounts > audience screen it's missing a couple of audiences for us and found that they're on category context. I then look into the my report - audience report but unable to filter out on those that are on category context. The only way I could figure out is either i) download two report and do a cross mapping and find out the audiences that is not in the system:available audience page, or ii) go to click the category one by one and find out the audiences from there.

It will be really great if there is a column/filter on the audience report that allows us to see from one page on all the audiences that was created, and how they are used......

Craig Eves
Re: Totara 2.5.11 - Unable to see all Audiences from Site Admin>Users>Accounts>Audiences screen
بواسطة Monday, 22 August 2016, 2:44 PM - Craig Eves (Totara Support)
مجموعة Totara

Hi Mei

The interface for creating audiences has been changed in v2.9 so that it displays the system and category level audiences on the one screen and this is exportable.

audience all

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Re: Totara 2.5.11 - Unable to see all Audiences from Site Admin>Users>Accounts>Audiences screen
بواسطة Monday, 22 August 2016, 5:23 PM - ? ?
That's awesome! Thank you Craig!