Best practice forum (Archived)

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Thursday 24 July 2014, 15:47
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Daniel Bond
Re: Internal Table borders not showing - ongoing issue
par Daniel Bond, Friday 25 July 2014, 01:28
Groupe Most helpful contributor 2023

I would generally recommend using the built in styles for Totara:

<table class="generaltable">

All of the styles can be found in Site administration ► Appearance ► Themes ► Element Library if you want to see how the various effects throughout Totara are achieved.



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Friday 25 July 2014, 02:59
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Daniel Bond
Re: Internal Table borders not showing - ongoing issue
par Daniel Bond, Friday 25 July 2014, 03:35
Groupe Most helpful contributor 2023

Sorry, I presumed given you had posted HTML code that you were looking for what the HTML / CSS was. The Element Library is just an example of each type of table, if you view the source code for the page you can see what classes have been used to achieve that effect. I agree that there isn't an easy way to build a table with borders just using TinyMCE, you may actually find it easier to make the tables (without adding borders, etc.) and then tweak the HTML afterwards to replace <table> with <table class="generaltable">

